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Bill Ireland Honored During KCA Annual Banquet with Awarding of 2018 KCA Legacy Award

KCA Awarded the 2018 Legacy Award on November 10th, 2018 at the Annual KCA Banquet to Mr. William “Bill” Ireland. Bill had been on an Veteran’s Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. the day before the banquet, arriving home here in Kansas at 3:00 am. Always committed to attending the annual convention, Bill slept a few hours, and then made his way to Newton, unaware he was this year’s recipient.

Bill is a multi-generational rancher from Yates Center in Woodson County, KS. As an independent cattleman, Bill has been influential in improving the cattle industry for the benefit of cattlemen throughout the state and country. Bill has served on the KCA Board, regularly attended regional meetings and KCA Conventions.

In addition to policy work at the state level, Bill has traveled to Washington, D.C. in pursuit of policy changes to the Beef Checkoff as well as other regulation and legislation. He is an avid supporter of KCA, and one of KCA’s biggest membership recruiters.

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