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Safe Auto Affinity Program, A New Benefit Coming to KCA Members

Kansas Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) is excited to announce that we will soon be launching a new program in collaboration with Safe Auto. In early fall, Lance Sharp with Copeland Insurance approached the KCA Board of Directors about a possible collaboration between KCA and Safe Auto. After exploring the details of the program, the KCA Board made the decision to move forward with the program.

Enhancing the value of your Kansas Cattlemen’s Association membership remains one of our priorities. With operational expenses of the ranch rising, insurance coverage for your farm or ranch, including coverage for your home, farm buildings, farm vehicles and liability from your farming operation, is a concern for all members. We have seen very little relief in premiums the past few years, and this program provides an opportunity to bring some of those dollars back to the ranch.

The Safe Auto program will allow for participating members to receive an annual dividend payout based on our group’s performance. Similar programs have seen tremendous success in putting money back in participant’s pockets, and this program is exclusive to KCA members. We selected State Auto for a variety of reasons, including over 80 years writing farm insurance, premier farm insurance products, statewide coverage for our Kansas members and possibly even out-of-state member eligibility, and local State Auto agents.

KCA does not contract to buy or sell insurance products of any kind to our members, and does not receive any commissions or payments directly related to membership purchases of insurance products. As a reminder, KCA board and staff members will not contact you to market insurance products, nor can they answer any questions regarding your current or future insurance coverage needs. KCA recommends calling your local insurance agent.

We will provide additional information on the Affinity Program with Safe Auto as it becomes available. The program is gearing up and will be ready to launch in early 2018.

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