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19th Annual KCA Convention and Trade Show Oct 27th & 28th

The Kansas Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) will host its 19th Annual Convention and Trade Show on October 27th and 28th at the Meridian Center in Newton, KS. The meeting will bring together producers from across Kansas and surrounding states. The event includes industry expert presentations, KCA’s annual membership business meeting, trade show, KCA Annual Banquet, and the KCA benefit auction.

The convention will kick off on Friday, October 27th with BQA Certification provided by veterinarian, educator, and Doc Talk host, Dr. Dan Thomson. BQA certifications must be renewed every three years, and we have not offered BQA at the KCA Convention since 2014. Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common-sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. BQA guidelines are designed to make certain, all beef consumers can take pride in what they purchase and can trust and have confidence in the entire beef industry.

The KCA membership will meet the afternoon of October 27th to discuss current policy, review resolutions, and create new policy relevant to the industry today. Following the meeting, attendees and exhibitors will enjoy a casual beef meal of burgers and hot dogs with time to socialize.

Saturday, October 28th will be a day full of expert presentations. Bob Baker is an economic policy consultant and specializes in agriculture economic research. He is currently a correspondent for the Executive Intelligence Review news service. Mr. Baker will discuss current economic pressures on American Agriculture and public policy development to enhance the American Credit System. Dr. Tom Noffsinger is returning this year to provide an updated presentation of Low Stress Cattle Handling technique research. The presentation demonstrates low-stress cattle handling techniques, and Dr. Tom discusses the many benefits of implementing handling programs into operations. The presentation includes the newest techniques and information available to producers to better manage herds.

Representatives from the packing industry will sit down with participants to explain their role within the beef packing industry, and answer questions regarding trends within the acquisition, processing, grading, and distribution of the industry’s beef products during the Beef Packer Representative Forum and Discussion.

For a full schedule, see page 6 of this edition. Following the presentations will be the Annual KCA Benefit and Rollover Auction. The KCA Annual Banquet will be held the evening of October 28th, 2017, and will include entertainment by Rusty Rierson.

The KCA Trade Show will take part for the duration of the convention. Exhibitors include: Liquid Plus Feeds, Linn Post & Pipe, Inc., Livestock Nutrition Center, MasterHand Milling, Multimin USA, Nature’s Formula, Roto-Mix, Ruma-Lic Liquid Feed LLC, Schwieterman, Inc., SmartLic Supplements, Travis Scale Company, HydraBed by Triple C, Inc., Westway Feed Products, Ryan Woods Agency/American Family Insurance, Behlen Country, Conklin Cars, Copeland Insurance Agency, Executive Intelligence Review, GoBob Pipe & Steel Sales, Hampel Oil Distributors, INA Alert, KWLS 107.9, Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services, Kansas Soybean Commission, and Lewis Cattle Oilers.

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