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Attendees Discuss Animal Health at KCA Meeting in Madison, Kansas

Members and guests of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) came together for an Animal Health and Wellness seminar in Madison, Kansas on April 17 at the Sauder Community Center. Presentations were focused on the prevention and herd treatment of Anaplasmosis and Foot Rot. Six presentations provided diverse options to keep cattle herds clear from disease.

Tyler Dupy, KCA Executive Director, opened the evening clarifying some of the industry issues that KCA is tracking through legislative and regulatory channels. He discussed topics like Country of Origin and the GIPSA rules and their importance to independent cattle producers.

Presentations regarding the prevention of Anaplasmosis and Foot Rot in livestock herds were given by industry representatives. Dave Murphy with Ruma-Lic Liquid feeds started the presentations with some background information on the diseases. He discussed the importance of quality animal nutrition as a foundation for disease prevention.

Greg Davis with RanchLand Feed discussed the importance of balancing a plan with multiple forms of protection. Proper animal nutrition is key as well as balancing an insect growth regulator with other means to prevent and control horn flies and ticks.

Work smarter not harder was Andrea Dietel’s advice from AgriLabs. She recommended comparing the actual fly season to the life of some remedies, and be ready to accommodate herd needs in an extended season. The VetGun, an innovative delivery platform for effective fly control when and where you need it, allows for sole-operator applications to the entire herd without corrals and chutes at a reasonable cost.

Kristy Hawkins with Zoetis brought Beef Technical Service Veterinarian, Dr. Doug Hilbig, who addressed attendees and discussed treatment and control of Anaplasmosis and Foot Rot. Aureomycin works well with VFD for treatment when individual animal treatment is difficult. Terramycin is an injectable and short-acting treatment of both diseases. Working with a veterinarian and feed specialist can help with both prevention and treatment.

Rob Paxson with Lewis Cattle Oilers discussed his system, and how it works. As fly season wears on, fly populations generally increase and unlike ear tags, which begin to lose their potency, the Lewis Cattle Oiler provides the opportunity for yearlong re-treatment so the insecticide remains at full strength to kill pests as long as they are present. While the cattle are scratching, the adjustable pump recharges the wick. The effect is proper control without overtreatment. The oiler is built to last with an 8-chain harness to provide extra protection for the wick and an aggressive scratching surface for cattle.

Finally, Joey Bogdahn with Purina Animal Nutrition discussed Fly Control feed products that are available that resist wind and rain while still remaining digestible. Altosi (IGR) helps prevent the breeding of horn flies in the manure of treated cattle.

RanchLand Feed and Edwards Cattle Co. provided a free USA-Beef dinner for the attendees. Other proud sponsors included: PrairieLand Partners, Lewis Cattle Oilers, Emporia Livestock Sales Co., Tractor Supply Co., AgriLabs, AgChoice, Frontier Farm Credit, LeRoy Coop Association, Ruma-Lic Liquid Feed, Flint Hills Commodities, Eureka Livestock Sales, Emprise Bank, Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply, Purina Animal Nutrition, and Zoetis.

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