Member Notice: US House to Vote on COOL Repeal
Call your representative
The US House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 2393, a bill designed to repeal Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling as early as today.
On behalf of consumers and producers, please contact your Representatives immediately to urge him or her to oppose H.R. 2393.
A repeal of COOL threatens the livelihoods of every independent producer, the rights of consumers, and the sovereignty of our country. The US House is taking swift and total action to kill COOL. Speak up for your industry, your country, and your rights!
Tim Huelskamp, 1st District - (202) 225-2715
Lynn Jenkins, 2nd District - (202) 225-6601
Kevin Yoder, 3rd District - (202) 225-2865
Mike Pompeo, 4th District - (202) 225-6216