Member Alert: House of Representatives Likely to Vote on Bill that Could Hurt COOL and Packers and S
KCA received word this week that the House of Representatives will by voting on FY 2015 appropriations bills including the House Agriculture Appropriations Bill. Within that bill, there language that could prohibit further action to implement and enforce the Packers and Stockyards Act through inaction of the GIPSA rules. Also, there is language within the ag appropriations bill that would give authority to the WTO when it comes to COOL and potentially repeal COOL all together.
Enforcing the Packers and Stockyards Act and advocating for COOL are two issues that you, as members, have directed KCA to promote. KCA staff has contacted all of the Kansas delegates in the House of Representatives to encourage them to oppose any language that would weaken or repeal COOL or the GIPSA rules.
Great strides can be made if you contact your legislator as well. As a constituent, your voice should be heard.
A vote is likely to come this week, so now is the time to call. Tell your representative why COOL and the Packers and Stockyards Act is important to your operation and ask him/her to oppose any language the would repeal or weaken either COOL or the GIPSA rules.
Rep. Huelskamp 202-225-2715
Rep. Jenkins 202-225-6601
Rep. Yoder 202-225-2865
Rep. Pompeo 202-225-6216