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BSE Case Confirmed in Brazil

According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) a case of BSE was reported in Brazil on May 2, 2014. The occurrence happened on March 19, 2014 and the prion marker was identified on April 14, 2014. The animal was a 12 year old cow and was tested during emergency slaughter at the slaughterhouse. She was a downer cow upon arriving at the slaughterhouse after transport problems. The animal was born and raised on a beef farm with 1,177 cohort cattle and 11 buffalo in the Province of Mato Grosso, Brazil. An additional 49 animals were destroyed along with the infected animal, although none showed clinic signs of the disease.

As USDA contemplates opening the U.S. border to Brazil, KCA strongly objects to the proposed rule and urges USDA to immediately withdraw its proposal to allow regions of Brazil to import fresh beef into the United States.

"There is no way we can allow imports from Brazil at this time. This should stop all chances of importation. If it doesn't, USDA is ignoring its own protocols," stated KCA President Perry Owens.

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